In Memoriam - Joan Lee
One person is responsible for modern superhero comics. Who that one person is can spark an argument among comic fans even though it shouldn't. Some will say that person is Stan Lee; another group would say it was Jack Kirby; while still others would say that the modern age of comics began thanks to Julius Schwartz.
All three of those names are dead wrong. The modern superhero comic exists because of Joan Lee. Stan Lee has told the story a million times about how he was no longer satisfied with the process of writing comics for Marvel, how he was ready to give Martin Goodman his walking papers and find a straight job. It was his amazing wife who told him that if he was going to quit anyways he should not only write one last issue, but to do it the way he had always wanted to but never been allowed. Joan, as was often the case, had the right idea and the story that Stan turned in would kickstart The Marvel Age. Without Joan Lee there would be no Fantastic Four, no Spider-Man, no Hulk, no X-Men. Stan never failed to give Joan the credit she deserved, always let us know that she was the true brains behind the Lee family. She was the First Lady of Comics, and she was a part of our lives as comic fans just as much as Stan The Man.
Today Joan Lee passed away, and there are few words that can express how deeply our hearts go out to Stan this evening. Excelsior Joan! You were the best parts of Stan and you will be sorely missed.
RIP Joan Lee 1947 - 2017